Beating the Dead Horse - Updates every monday ~ 5pm  
beating the dead horse is drawn and written by nick pillsbury
"Beating the Dead Notes"
for Monday , January 31 , 2011

      Just when I felt I really had a grasp for the new century something jarringly reminds me I grew up in a different era. I just finished setting up the high speed connection, and networking my house. Moving from a dial-up connection to high speed is kind of like moving from a small town into a big city. There is ALOT to do, and it all moves really fast. I'm glad I have a light schedule this week. I have alot of Daily Show and other such things to catch up on.

   As a side note I would like to talk briefly about installing devices on a computer, and how to tell whether you can or not. There are two things really that you have to be able to do at a high school level. Number one is read instructions. This is really important. They are numbered so as to inform you, step by step, how to hook everything in to place correctly. Also, nowadays, everything is also color coded. If you plugged the red cord into the red hole go eat a cookie. You earned it. Number two is very important, and is ignored by 95% of people. See that shiny silver circular piece of plastic? That's a compact disc. It may also be a Digital Versatile Disc. This goes into the disc drive, and automatically makes everything work. Your brain may be telling you it's a cookie, but I assure you it is not. If you put it into the disc drive your cat will not be killed by ghosts. Your device will be installed. And then it will work. If this sounds like something you can do then go ahead, and by yourself printers, and other such things with abandon. You do not need to pay anyone to install it, and while you are at it go buy yourself a bag of cookies.

    I say this partly in jest because, having worked in electronics with simple, rudimentary computer experience I installed my router, and had the house computers networked in five minutes. I have also endured the wrath of people who, while they may not computer "savvy", seem to lack the ability to read and/or are to stubborn put a disc into a drive. Having no previous experience with networking and having answered or pretended to care about a numerous amount of problems people seem to have with these things I have only one thing to say. RTFM. Or pay someone to do it for you.

    On a lighter note, Sherman is still dreaming, and I'm having fun with this one. I hope you are, too. If there is anything more fun to draw than talking ice creams I sure haven't found it yet. Word.
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Beating the Dead Horse, and all related art and characters are copyrighted to Nick Pillsbury. All rights are reserved.
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