Beating the Dead Horse - Updates every monday ~ 5pm  
beating the dead horse is drawn and written by nick pillsbury
"Beating the Dead Notes"
for Monday , February 7 , 2011

      Monday, Monday, very, very fun day. More ice cream today, and maybe you're wondering where this is going. You'll get nothing out of me except that I hope you enjoy the ride. I do have to admit, though, that anthropomorphizing ice creams never ceases to make me giggle. The ice creams themselves are the gag, and them acting like humans are the delicious humor sprinkles on top.

   Also, as a small addendum, the "SHERBERT" ice cream is Sherman in his own dream. If it's clear, then great. If it isn't I would rather you be let in on the gag.

   In other news, I've been thinking about the nature of arguments. In general they are funny for te viewer, and in practice this is true because there is no bigger exercise in futility than two people, or more arguing two sides of the same point. For example, one person demanding the recognition chocolate as a superior topping while another claims it is better as a candybar. What better argument for chocolate as a dessert? I also wonder if this is why I find political ads so funny.
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Beating the Dead Horse, and all related art and characters are copyrighted to Nick Pillsbury. All rights are reserved.
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